Data Engineering

Talend Data Integration Basics

  • Getting started with Talend Data Integration
  • Introduction to Talend Open Studio
  • Creating your first Job
  • Working with delimited files
  • Creating tables in MySQL databases
  • Using delimited file metadata
  • Mapping data using tMap
  • Creating a built-in context variable
  • Building a stand-alone Job
  • Managing files
  • Detecting and handling basic errors
  • Accessing a SOAP web service
  • Case Study

Talend Big Data-

  • Introduction to Talend Data Integration
  • Introduction to Talend Big Data
  • Connecting to the Hadoop cluster
  • Reading and writing data in HDFS
  • Components- HDFS, HIVE, Pig, Scoop, HCATALOG, HBASE
  • Processing Hive data in standard Jobs
  • Processing data with Map Reduce
  • Case Study
talend big data

Python Programming-

  • Getting Started with Python: Introduction
  • Complex Data Types in Python: Working with List and Tuples in Python
  • Complex Data Types in Python: Working with Dictionaries and Sets in Python
  • Complex Data Types in Python: Working with Shallow and Deep Copies in Python
  • Conditional Statements and Loops: If – Else Control Structures in Python
  • Conditional Statements and Loops: The Basics of for Loops in Python
  • Conditional Statements and Loops: Advanced
  • Conditional Statements and Loops: While Loops in Python
  • Functions in Python: Introduction
  • Functions in Python: Gaining a deeper Understanding of Python Functions
  • Functions in Python: Working with Advanced Features of Python Functions
  • Python Classes & Inheritance: Introduction
  • Python Classes & Inheritance: Getting Started with Classes in Python
  • Python Classes & Inheritance: Working with Inheritance in Python
  • Python Classes & Inheritance: Advanced functionality using Python Classes